Ethan's Eco Blog

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Amiiko--What are Fair Trade Products Anyway?

Posted by Ethan on Friday, October 29, 2010, In : Buy and Use Green! 
Hey Neergs--

Well I hope you have had a chance to check out, a very cool website being developed by my new friends, Karsten and Esben in Copehagen. If you've investigated the website, you might have noticed that the Amiiko vision includes "2 Steps of Consumer Empowerment."  That means you vote with your pocketbook. The first step focuses on being aware of what we choose to buy and how our choices affect the environment.  The second step is about actively making good choices--a m...
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Amiiko--Must see Eco-Calculators

Posted by Ethan on Thursday, October 28, 2010, In : Buy and Use Green! 

Hey Neergs—

We spend a lot of time here on GKR discussing the issues and advocating for legislation that will make a difference in the United States and the rest of the world.  I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get frustrated trying to make an impression on someone who still denies climate change or is just too busy to care about the environment.  If I was only quicker on my feet, I’d tell them all kinds of statistics to jolt them into awareness and action!  Well, now I don’t h...

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Hi, I'm Ethan. I like learning about the environment, science, reading and competitive swimming. I love being with my friends and working on ways to save our planet.

Green Kids Rock is the place to come to learn, play and make change happen.  I want to hear all your great ideas, so please share here! We are building a movement, and we will be heard.  Green Kids Rock!     

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