Hey Neergs!
Thought we should take a break and celebrate some of the positive stuff going on in our country. Instead of making you feel warm and fuzzy, these stories should make you feel green and fuzzy inside! Kind of weird, but nice just the same, LOL. Okay, so I was reading my very favorite green news section on the Huffington Post, and I found all kinds of awesome good stuff mixed in with the usual doom and gloom stuff--necessary to know, but sad still the same. And yes, I just had to bookmark the story on potty training a sloth. That's a must read!  I'll have to come back to that.  Okay, I digress. The point is I want to start mixing in some fun, cool stories that demonstrate how people and businesses are making a difference.  For instance. don't miss today's Huffington post article about Walmart's Terracycling centers. Terra-who you say? These terracycling centers in New Jersey collect stuff you can't usually recycle like drink pouches and toothpaste tubes.  Best yet, you get paid 3 cents for every item deposited--a great fundraiser for schools. You can even ship items to them at their cost if you don't have a center near you! How cool is that??? Watch this interesting video on terracycling and don't forget to read the Walmart article here. Peace Out-Ethan