Happy Friday Neergs!

I'm feeling particularly inspired today after learning more about the 10/10/10 Work Party from 350.org and Earth Hour 2011. Both of these global events have been created "to put the heat on" government officials everywhere to take meaningful action in finding solutions to the climate crisis.  Today, we'll talk about 350.org. Founded by Bill McKibben, the group chose its name because 350 parts per million CO2 is the number we need to get below or global warming will accelerate. This is the extremely cool guy that visited President Obama and asked him to put a solar panel back on the White House's roof as a symbol of our administration's commitment to a clean energy future. Sadly, he was denied which underscores the need for the 10/10 Work Party. Clearly not everyone is seeing the urgency to take action now. I'll be writing more about the 10/10 party and how Green Kids Rock can be more involved. For now, check out these videos from 350.org to learn more about the Global Work Party on 10/10 and why the number 350 is so significant.
