Hey Neergs!

Do you believe in monsters?  You should!  The ChicoBag Company just kicked off its national tour to support an end to plastic, single-use bags. Each monster (a person wears a 500 plastic bag costume) represents the amount of bags an average American uses yearly. That's right, not a family, that's just one average person!

Did you know that Ireland passed a plastic bag tax that resulted in 94% decrease in the use of plastic bags? It worked not only because people didn't want to pay the tax, but also the stigma that the use of plastic bags carry. Plastic bag use became so unpopular that no one wanted to be seen using one. Total humiliation! China implemented a plastic bag ban, and in one year's time, dropped their use by 66 percent, saving more than 40 billion plastic bags. That's equivalent to 1.6 million tons of petroleum. Yes, plastic bags are made from oil! 

While cities and towns across the U.S. have had some success passing bans, California is the first state trying to pass a plastic bag law. It is now up to the state senate.  Check out the Bag Monster Video here--hilarious! Also, our Video of the Day follows the journey of a plastic bag, a nasty little varmint! You can also check out our Project Kaisei Video right here. It will explain how bad plastics are for the eco-system.

Peace Out-Ethan